17 Oct For the Public and our Staff
Posted at 13:18h
in Uncategorized
Recently, we’ve installed Ultraviolet (UVC) Air Purifiers into our HVAC system “…to destroy bioaerosols [particles such as SARS and flu viruses] in the flowing air stream as it passes” by the UVC lamps located in the supply ducts for every air exchange inside Downtown Grocery. (ref: EPA, CDC, ASHREA)
Since the start of the pandemic we’ve worked as best as we are able to follow the guidelines from local, state, and federal agencies to reduce the risk for our customers and staff. Installing Ultraviolet Air Purification is one more risk reducer that we’re pleased to offer the public, and for our staff whom spend many hours inside Downtown Grocery!
If you have any questions, please ask.
Thank you, Kevin & Megan (updated 10-17-2020)