17 Mar Changes: Hours and Food Service
Please find below changes to Store Hours and Food Service:
M-Sa 9-6* (*instead of 9-8)
Sun 11-4* (*instead of 11-4)
▪ HOT SOUP (M-Sa 11-3, at Kitchen | Closed Sunday)
▪ GRAB & GO (Open Daily) Sandwiches, salads, and entrees.
– Stop in to see our even more robust selection of Grab & Go:
– Ready-to-eat Green Salads, choose a 2oz dressing cup.
– Ready-to-eat or reheat entrees, such as Roasted Vegetables,
— Rumple-de-thumps, and Sweet and Sour Meatballs.
– Frozen, bake at home items: such as Lasagna or 32oz Soups.
▪ BAKESHOP (Open Daily) Cookies, muffins, pies & more!
▪ HOT COFFEE & TEA (Open Daily 11-6, at Kitchen)
▪ Wash hands upon entry, find four sinks throughout store.
▪ Or use disposable gloves, find by front door/produce case.
▪ No personal bags/containers allowed. Use our paper bags.
▪ Use Credit/Debit/EBT. We’ll accept Cash/Checks, on future visits pay with other.
▪ Take-out prepared foods only. All seating is closed.
▪ At Bulk Bins/Jars, no self-serve, ask staff for assistance.
▪ Be kind to your neighbor, take only what you need. Thanks!
We as a community will get through these tougher times safely.
Thank you, Kevin & Megan